How Much Should I Charge for Snow Removal?

Snow removal business software

If you’re interested in starting a snow removal business or adding snow removal services to your landscaping company, you may be wondering how much you should charge for snow removal. 

On average, professionals charge $38 – $53 per visit for residential snow removal (typical driveway and sidewalk) and charge $40 – $75 per visit for snow blowing. In addition, snow removal companies charge on average $105 – $167 per hour for residential roadway snow plowing and $92 – $158 per hour for commercial parking lots.

Average Residential Snow Removal Rates:

  • $38 – $53 per visit for snow shoveling typical driveway & sidewalk
  • $56 – $93/hour for more complex residential snow removal
  • $40 – $75 per visit for snow blowing typical driveway & sidewalk
  • $60 -$96/hour for more complex residential snow removal

Average Commercial Snow Removal Rates:

  • $92 – $158/hour commercial parking lots
  • $105 – $167/hour residential roadway plowing

Source: Accumulated Data by ProMatcher 2019

As a professional landscaping, lawn care, or tree care company—especially if you have a great team to back you up—you’ll be able to charge more for snow removal than a college student or individual would. This is because a professional company will typically have better access to equipment such as snow blowers, plow blades, and tailgate salt spreaders that allow them to take on larger or more complex jobs. They’re also more likely to have insurance to protect property from damage. Keep in mind this higher rate also comes with an expectation of dependability and quality. 

How to Know How Much to Charge for Snow Removal

Knowing how much to charge for snow removal depends on your current market and competition. It also depends on your company’s capabilities. 

A company that is licensed and insured, has staff and equipment to get snow removal done quickly after snow has fallen, offers a higher level of customer service (is able to take phone calls, sends automated text or email updates, etc.), and offers services such as sanding and salting can often charge a higher rate than someone without those capabilities.

Here are some other factors that will impact how much you should charge for snow removal:

Average Prices in the Area

One of the biggest indicators of how much you should charge for snow removal is the current market price. If you’re not sure, don’t be afraid to ask around. Look for websites that offer free cost calculators or price ranges in your area. This will give you a good starting point for your services.

Snow removal for areas that have excessive snowfall and/or fines imposed for snow left on sidewalks too long will often have a higher per-visit rate than areas with less snowfall. This is because customers with less snowfall or without fines are in less of a rush, giving them time to price shop.

Snow Fall

How much you charge for snow removal should also depend on the actual snowfall. Big storm days will often cost more for snow removal than small dustings. This has to do not only with the urgency of snow removal but also with the number of inches that need removing. Greater snowfall, such as 5-6+ inches usually results in a higher rate than less snowfall.

Full-Season Customers vs. One-Time

If your customers sign a full-season contract, you may offer a discount on snow removal visits. This is because you’re better able to forecast labor and equipment needs with a steadier customer base. In addition, full-season customers can increase your total revenue by ensuring work for each snowfall and reducing acquisition costs.

Arborgold Makes Snow Removal Easier

Do you need a way to bid snow removal projects more easily, schedule snow removal teams, send automated updates and invoices, track inventory, and process payments? Arborgold software and mobile apps can help. Take a tour today.

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